Registration fees begin at $345 and $375 for JNF participants. Your registration fee includes accommodations, meals and access to all events for the 4-day event. Also included are a souvenir bag filled with keepsakes such as Jain literature, a souvenir book, and other items.
The convention begins at noon on Thursday, July 3rd and ends at noon on Sunday, July 6th.
To provide each attendee with hotel accommodations, meals, and the opportunity to attend sessions and social events, the actual total cost per person is $400.00 for HS/college students and $440.00 for JNF attendees.
YJA works very hard in fundraising during the year to help subsidize each attendee's cost of attendance by $105.00.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could help YJA by choosing the "Unsubsidized" pricing option at the time of payment. This would help us raise the money we need to ensure YJA remains affordable for as many potential attendees as possible.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations regardless of reasons prior to May 14, 2014 will be entitled to 50% refund of all collected fee amount.
Cancellations after May 14, 2014 will be entitled to 25% refund of all collected fee amount.
Absolutely no refunds for cancellations shall be given after June 18, 2014 regardless of reasons.
Financial Assistance
For those that would like to attend but are in need of financial assistance, please download this Financial Assistance Form, fill it out, and email it to YJA Co-Chairs at Financial assistance is limited and will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis until our allocation is exhausted.